ITAL-2011 ADV 1 Ital. Contemp Cult & Soc

 Course Description

Advanced 1: Italian through Contemporary Culture and Society is a second-year intensive course that meets Monday through Thursday with asynchronous learning online on Fridays. It continues and builds on the work done in ITAL 011 and ITAL 032 providing a review of Italian grammar learned in the previous years and opportunities to develop the four skills of speaking, understanding, reading, and writing at an advanced level. The course is centered on thematic units dealing with aspects of Italian culture, and contemporary life that are presented to students through readings, listening materials, videos, and films, and through the use of language technologies (like Canvas and other digital tools). The general objective is to develop students’ proficiency in oral and written Italian, to provide them with the tools not only to communicate in formal and informal encounters and exchanges in the target country but also to function in Italian within academic environments. Finally, intercultural reflection and exchange are given prominence in ITAL 111, as in the other courses that constitute the Italian Language curriculum.