
The Italian major takes an integrative approach to prepare students to explore connections and understand the continuum from past to present.

From the Gateway course to the Senior Seminar, all courses are designed to introduce students to Italian culture in all its manifestations. Students develop their critical and analytical skills through intellectual dialogue in small class settings while the program’s integrated overseas experience gives students new perspectives and approaches to world issues.

Italian majors at Georgetown are required to complete 10 to 12 courses depending on the results of the student’s placement exam (12 if they begin in Intensive Basic, 11 if they begin in Intensive Intermediate, and 10 if they begin in Intensive Advanced). One course toward the major may be taught in English. Italian Majors are also required to spend a semester or an academic year in Italy studying at an Italian university.

Requirements for the A.B. in Italian

Note: Effective Fall 2023, all main campus courses have been renumbered using a new 4-digit numbering system.


Note: courses followed by “(E)” are taught in English.

  • ITAL-1009 Italian for Spanish and Romance Language Speakers
  • ITAL-2010 Advanced Italian for Spanish and Romance Language Speakers
  • ITAL-1011 Intensive Italian Language and Culture: Beginner
  • ITAL-1511 Intensive Italian Language and Culture: Intermediate
  • ITAL-2011 Intensive Advanced Italian I: Italian through Contemporary Culture and Society
  • ITAL-2012 Intensive Advanced Italian II: Italian through Contemporary Culture and Society
  • ITAL-2031 Contemporary Italy (before oversea-study) another 200-level course:
    • ITAL-2033 Writing: Literature/Culture
    • ITAL-2034 Italian Translation
    • ITAL-2037 Business Italian
  • One-Credit Courses
    • ITAL-1020 Italian Society and Pop Culture (E)
    • ITAL-2032 Italian Through Art: Sexuality, Gender, and Art in Early Italian Renaissance (1350-1550) (E)
    • ITAL-4408 Italian Conversation Practicum

Note: all courses with an asterisk (*) can be used to fulfill either group requirement based on the student’s final paper. Courses followed by “(E)” are taught in English.

A. Foundations

ITAL-4338 Medici, Patriarch of the Renaissance: A Dynasty

ITAL-347 Theater, Politics, and Art in the Italian Renaissance

ITAL-4350 Italian Renaissance Women: Writing and Art

ITAL-4355 Bella Ciao! Women in Italian Culture*

ITAL-4361 Monster and Monstrosity in Medieval Italy

ITAL-368 Politics, Society, and Culture in Renaissance Italy

ITAL-4372 Dante and Medieval Mind

ITAL-4373 Italian Actors and Actresses (E)

ITAL-4374 Theater, Politics, and Art: Italian Renaissance

ITAL-4375 Boccaccio: The Intervention of Storytelling

ITAL-4383 Dante’s Afterlife in Popular Culture (E)

ITAL-4385 Madness in Italian Literature and Theater*

ITAL-4387 Love and Friendship in Medieval Italy

ITAL-392 The Theater in Power: Dynasties, Politics, and Theater (AD 1500-1800)

ITAL-4395 The Dark Prince (E)

ITAL-4460 Dante—The Divine Comedy

B. Becoming Italy

ITAL-4337 Italian Cinema

ITAL-4358 Literature of United Italy

ITAL-4366 Primo Levi and the Holocaust (E)

ITAL-4386 Made in Italy: Fashion and Food (E)

ITAL-4388 Italian Songs: Cantautori to Rap

ITAL-4389 Italian Mysteries from Dante to Terrorism

ITAL-4390 Mafia: Reality and Fiction

ITAL-4393 Contemporary Italy and its Regional Varieties

ITAL-4398 Fictions of Europe (E)

ITAL-4426 Language and Migration (E)

ITAL-4426 Encounters with the Other: The Ethnographic Imagination in Italian Literature

ITAL-4444 Discourse and Identity Narrative (E)

ITAL-4445 Betrayals of Translation

ITAL-4473 Fairwell to Realism: Decadence, Avant-Garde, Modernism

ITAL-4989 Senior Seminar

ITAL-4460 Dante—The Divine Comedy