
Laura Benedetti

Laura Benedetti, Professor & Chair

Laura and De Sole Professor of Contemporary Italian Culture
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University
email: lb227@georgetown.edu

Interests: 20th -Century Literature, Women Writers from the Origins to the Present, Gender Studies, Torquato Tasso, Renaissance Chivalric and Epic Poems, the Past-Present Continuum.

Dr. Benedetti’s Bio
Francesco Ciabattoni

Francesco Ciabattoni, Professor

Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University 
email: fc237@georgetown.edu

Interests:  “Medieval and contemporary literature; the interplay of literature and music, language teaching and linguistics. Intertextuality, literary theory and cultural studies.”

Dr. Ciabattoni’s Bio
Gianni Cicali

Gianni Cicali, Professor

Dottorato di ricerca, University of Florence
Ph.D., University of Toronto
email: gc227@georgetown.edu

Interests: 15th-18th century Italian theater; Italian opera and librettists; the relations between theater and the fine arts; Pietro Trinchera, religious theater; cinema.

Dr. Cicali’s Bio
Anna De Fina

Anna De Fina, Professor

Ph.D., Georgetown University
email: definaa@georgetown.edu

Interests: Discourse analysis: oral narrative, narratives in interaction, and the relationship between storytelling and identity. Discourse and identities: processes of identity construction among migrant and transnational communities. Language use in Italian communities abroad. Dialects and language varieties in Italy. Italian American studies.

Dr. De Fina’s Bio
Nicoletta Pireddu

Nicoletta Pireddu, Professor

Dottorato di Ricerca, Università di Venezia Ca’Foscari
Ph.D., University of California at Los Angeles
e-mail: pireddun@georgetown.edu

Interests: Comparative literature; European studies; Italian, English, and French works of literature; critical theories; cultural studies; history of ideas; early science fiction; translation studies.

Dr. Pireddu’s Bio
Louise Hipwell

Louise Hipwell, Teaching Professor & Coordinator of the Italian Language Program

Ph.D., Rutgers University
e-mail: lfh5@georgetown.edu

Interests: Language pedagogy, using technology to enhance student learning, integrating culture into all levels of language instruction, and translation studies.

Dr. Hipwell’s Bio
Donatella Melucci

Donatella Melucci, Teaching Professor

Ph.D., Arizona State University
e-mail: dm527@georgetown.edu
Interests: Syntax, methodologies for teaching Italian as a second/foreign language, use of technology in foreign language classes, and translation studies. 

Dr. Melucci’s Bio
Fulvia Musti

Fulvia Musti, Associate Teaching Professor

Laurea in Lingue e Lettere, University of Bologna
Ph.D Candidate, DLS, (’16)
e-mail: mustif@georgetown.edu

Interests: Teaching Italian language and culture using a drama-based approach; integrating web resources and technology.

Dr. Musti’s Bio
Giuseppe Tosi

Giuseppe Tosi, Associate Teaching Professor

Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University
e-mail: tosig@georgetown.edu

Interests: Modern and contemporary Italian literature; cultural studies; interdisciplinary approaches to literature; creative writing; translation. 

Dr. Tosi’s Bio