Study Abroad

While Italian majors must study in Italy, all students are encouraged to explore this opportunity to live and study in Italy, the country with the highest number of Unesco World Heritage Sites.

There are 4 main categories of abroad programs in Italy that are distinguished by type of coursework or program structure.

Direct Matriculatation

In this type of program, before departure, students must have completed at least Advanced II Italian at Georgetown. Classes are taken at a host university and students are directly enrolled alongside native Italian students. The coursework consists of 4-5 classes taught in Italian and sometimes a seminar as in the case of the Brown in Bologna Program. Program length can be Full Year, Semester, or Split-Year.

Brown University (Università di Bologna) Middlebury (Università degli Studi di Firenze) IES (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) Milan IES (Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi) Milan

Area Studies

In this type of program, courses are offered in English and Italian. These programs are more specialized in one particular course of study such as the Classics or Music.

IES Milan (Music: Tradition & Innovation) ICCS Rome (Classical Studies)

Language Programs

These programs are intensive language immersion courses that expand on the basic or intermediate level of language. The course load is usually a 6 credit IES intensive language course, elective courses at IES center and 1 or 2 classes at a local university.

IES Milan (Intensive  Language Program)

Living and Learning Community

Fiesole: This is a Living and Learning Community where courses are led by Georgetown professors and the facilities run by Georgetown University. Students can choose to live at the Villa or to do a homestay to help immerse themselves further in the language and culture.

Villa Le Balze Hear about Elizabeth McKee’s homestay experience in Fiesole

Explore Study Abroad in Italy

Explore these and other programs on the Office of Global Education website. 
Note that only courses conducted in Italian are eligible for credit toward your Italian major or minor.

View OGE Programs in Italy Database