Courses are listed by course number and title. Credit amounts are included in parentheses. Courses are taught in Italian, unless noted otherwise.
NB: Course offerings vary by semester. Please see the site of the University Registrar for the current Schedule of Classes.
Note: Effective Fall 2023, all main campus courses have been renumbered using a new 4-digit numbering system.
Undergraduate Courses
ITAL 1009: Italian for Spanish and Romance Language Speakers (6. cr)
ITAL 2010: Advanced Italian for Spanish and Romance Language Speakers (6 cr.)
ITAL 1011: Italian Language and Culture: Beginner (6 cr.)
ITAL 1511: Italian Language and Culture: Intermediate (6 cr.)
ITAL 1042: Gateway to Italian Culture (3 cr.)
ITAL 2011: Adv I Italian: Contemporary Culture and Society (5 cr.)
ITAL 2012: Adv 2 Italian: Italian Traditions, History and Art (5 cr.)
ITAL 1020: Italian Society and Popular Culture (1 cr., taught in English)
ITAL 2031: Contemporary Italy: Topics for Oral Proficiency (3 cr.)
ITAL 1032: Italian Through Italian Renaissance Art and Language (1. cr., taught in English)
ITAL 2033: Italian Writing and Culture (3 cr.)
ITAL 2037: Business Italian (3 cr.)
ITAL 2034: Italian Translation (3 cr.)
ITAL 4337: Italian Cinema (3 cr.)
ITAL 4338: Medici, Patrons of the Renaissance: A Dynasty (3 cr.)
ITAL 4355: Bella Ciao! Women’s Identity Through the Ages (3 cr.)
ITAL 4361: Monsters and Monstrosity in Medieval Italy (3 cr.)
ITAL 4372: Dante and the Medieval Mind (3 cr.)
ITAL 4375: Boccaccio: The Invention of Storytelling (3 cr.)
ITAL 4382: Italy on Stage (3 cr.)
ITAL 4383: Dante’s Afterlife in Popular Culture (3 cr.)
ITAL 4384: Theater and Opera (3 cr.)
ITAL 4385: Madness in Italian Literature and Theater (3 cr.)
ITAL 4386: Made in Italy: Fashion and Food (3 cr.)
ITAL 4387: Love and Friendship in the Global Middle Ages (3 cr.)
ITAL 4388: Italian Songs, Cantautori to Rap (3 cr.)
ITAL 4389: Mysteries: Dante to Terrorism (3 cr.)
ITAL 4390: Mafia: Reality and Fiction (3 cr.)
ITAL 4393: Contemporary Italian and its Regional Varieties (3 cr.)
ITAL 4394: Italian Americans: Language, Literature, Film (3 cr.)
ITAL 4395: The Dark Prince (3 cr.)
ITAL 4408: Italian Conversation Practicum (1 cr.)
ITAL 4409: Italian Practicum (1 cr.)
ITAL 4420: Language and Migration (3 cr.)
ITAL 4421: Italian Language Varieties (3 cr.)
ITAL 4426: Encounters with the Other (3 cr.)
ITAL 4444: Discourse, Identity, and Narratives (3 cr.)
ITAL 4445: Betrayals of Translation (3 cr.)
ITAL 4460: Dante (3 cr.)
ITAL 4473: Farewell to Realism: Decadence, Avant-Garde, Modernism (3 cr.)
ITAL 4480: Discourse Analysis: Narrative (3 cr.)
ITAL 4989: Senior Seminar: Texts in Contexts: Approaches to Critical Analysis (3 cr.)
Graduate Courses
ITAL 5520: Italy Today: Socio. and Applied Linguistics (3 cr.)
ITAL 5527: Research Methodology (3 cr.)
ITAL 5530: Monsters in Italian Culture (3 cr.)
ITAL 5531: Issues and Perspectives in Italian Studies (3 cr.)
ITAL 5551: Italy Between Europe and the Mediterranean (3 cr.)
ITAL 7990: Thesis Writing Seminar (3 cr.)